We are sorry for the inconvenience but we are not accepting any new intakes at this time.

Time For Change
Like many other bird owners, you don’t want to let go of your dear companion, After all, most people who have to give up a companion bird have lived with their bird for many years and parting can be a heart wrenching experience. However, in the face of the inevitable, you want to make sure the bird is well provided for and that is where we can be the perfect fit.
Most owners who struggle with relinquishing their bird are comforted by knowing where or with whom their bird will be going, and that it will receive excellent care. And for a fortunate few, the pain of never being able to see their bird again vanishes as they learn that they will be able to visit their bird in its new home.
Under My Wing Avian Refuge is here to help. We address both your concerns and your bird’s needs, and offer alternative options to help you comfortably process the separation between you and your companion bird. Visitations with your bird at the refuge is one of them, by written agreement and as time and circumstances allow.
Adopting out your bird to the most suitable home possible is never an option with us. We simply DO NOT adopt out birds but offer lifetime, permanent residency and care on premises, short-term care and boarding. We do not utilize foster homes.
We offer options because we realize that although life-change is inevitable, unforeseen events necessitating giving up your bird should not cause you emotional hardship and leave you in a quandary about your bird’s future life and well-being no matter what the reason.
Change can be very difficult for your bird. Many parrots experience a traumatic and difficult adjustment when entering an unfamiliar environment and unfamiliar people. Any change must be handled with care and caution, especially for parrots that have lived alone with one family for years. That is why, unlike other bird’s rescue and sanctuary organizations, we encourage a slow change whenever possible to help minimize stress and grief of the parrot as well as the owner when parting is necessary. Ideally, the separation of a bird from the human bond should be made in gradual steps by allowing familiar people to remain connected and allowing the bird to keep its familiar cage and toys.
Because of their high intelligence and strong emotional needs, parrots can suffer from depression and a broken spirit when these needs are not met. Unlike people, parrots have no counselors to speak to, and cannot choose to be on antidepressants. All they are left with are themselves and their beautiful plumage, which they often attack, plucking themselves bare and bloody. No wonder there are many parrots who are self-mutilators. Truth be told, some people choose to ignore the fact that parrots have emotional needs, yet it’s well known that parrots find it very comforting to be held, caressed, and spoken to. The tone alone that we use, can make a huge difference in a parrot’s life.
Given our organization’s concern about the overall welfare of captive birds, we must add here that today, more than ever, parrots are neglected, abused, and mistreated all over the world – a fact minimally recognized by the general public. Sadly, many are ill-treated and disrespected even in death, with their bodies buried in back yards or tossed in the garbage, with no regard for the dignity of their lives. Clearly, a wider appreciation of these beautiful creatures must be encouraged and awareness of the growing crisis of displaced exotic birds, must be increased through education of the public.
Again, Under My Wing Avian Refuge is here to help.
When you are faced with the need to give up your bird due to unforeseen circumstances or if you can no longer care properly for your bird, relinquish your bird to us with confidence, knowing where your bird will reside and opt to come visit your bird. We will accept your reason for surrendering your bird without judgment, and will provide it with the safe, loving environment you and your bird so very much deserves.
Under My Wing Avian Refuge looks forward to helping you with the process of finding the best solution for your bird’s future. There is no Donation of a bird.
Our required process for relinquishing a bird to Under My Wing Avian Refuge begins carefully considering an optimal choice for your bird. Once your decision has been made and you would like to proceed forth we require you to complete our Bird’s History Questionnaire. Following receipt of the completed questionnaire we may make an appointment to visit the bird in its current home, or may contact you for additional information required by the Board Members. Once acceptance of your bird is approved by our Board, we will make arrangements for its transport to the sanctuary.
Please note that we do offer Special Arrangements and or Emergency intake of birds. Special arrangements or emergency situations can be discussed directly with Paula. Rapid admission of a bird can be granted provided that we have the room as well as the means to properly care for your bird and meet its specific needs.

Please be sure to read our requirements and familiarize yourself with our procedures before applying.
- Application
- Requirements
- Quarantine
- Visitations During Quarantine
- Financial Responsibility
- Items To Provide For My Bird
Please be sure to read our requirements and familiarize yourself with our procedures before applying.
Recent Avian Veterinary Physical
Blood work (CBC)
Disease Testing: PDD (ELISA), Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD), Chlamydia, Aspergillosis, Polyoma, Pacheco and Gram Stein
Quarantine is critical for all new residents of any species, no matter where they come from!
The incoming birds that have been previously healthy, in a new environment, can produce stress that might cause an illness flare-up.
The purpose of quarantine for an incoming bird is to protect our sanctuary residents from potential disease spread, assessing the new bird’s health and addressing any health issues is imperative during the quarantine period.
Our experienced avian veterinarian recommends quarantining a new bird for a minimum of 30 days or longer. While in quarantine, the new bird will be closely observed, medicated if needed, and depending on the birds health and test results, receive a second thorough examination and a veterinarian’s clear risk assessment the bird will join other resident birds.
Quarantine protects everyone from possible infectious diseases that may not be producing visible symptoms in a healthy-looking bird; an entire flock could be easily infected, and possibly killed by certain diseases.
Quarantine period is a period of isolation to assure your bird is not a health risk to other birds as well as to protect visitors, especially children from potentially dangerous zoonotic issues.
We understand that you have been with your bird and this may not apply to you directly. However, preventing disease spread through indirect contact via shoes, clothing, tools, or other objects, we do not allow visits during this period . We limit the individuals who are caring for your bird during quarantine because many external parasites can also hitch a ride on staff or volunteers and can then be carried into the quarantine quarters.
We do offer live video and other type of correspondence that will help with your own separation anxiety until you see your bird again.
Relinquish (Permanent Resident) Yearly Fee:
- Medium Size Bird $2,500
- Large Size Bird $3,000
- Extra Large Bird $3,500
Relinquish application contains a bird size chart to help determine the correct type and size of your bird.
Bird by size is Special Care Bird Fee’s May slightly change according to needed care. Special Arrangements or Emergency Accommodation are Welcome.
One Time Fee:
Your responsibility is to provide for one new cage. You will need to provide a new cage or cost to purchase a new cage within a 5 year span. Due to the longevity years as your bird will reside at the sanctuary a new cage will need to be replaced.
You may bring your bird’s present cage if accepted depending on age and condition of cage. As explained in the Financial Obligation, every bird will need to be provided with new cage or cost to purchase a new cage within a 5 year span as cage will need to be replaced more than over the many years your bird will reside at the sanctuary.
We recommend you bring the birds toys, stand and items he/she is familiar with to prevent stres and separation anxiety from his/her familiar belongings.
A list of items your bird prefers to eat and play with is very helpful in settling in process.
If your bird is used to certain words or phrases, please jut them down. This will help us communicate with the bird at a level they can understand.